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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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>nooooooo not the hecking nazirinos in my furry fetish cartoon


>words words words words
just say you don't agree with that ideology you fucking faggots


>encourages open dialogue
doing the opposite


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Okay, but is this furshit any good?

Why do trannies always have melt downs whenever a furfag injects their politics into their creations? Like nigga it's a heckin drawing dude, get over it.
Furfags trying to portray themselves and their ideology as 'deep' and 'intellectual' is pretty funny when in the end people just end up wanking to it.
Squirrel and Hedgehog is the only exception to this rule because North Koreans aren't mentally ill coombrains.


ask them about israel and ukraine
if anyone accuses of me of being a le notsee because i don't want to suck jew and tranny cock, then i will simply talk how i feel bad for palestinian and donbass children and talk how bad ukraine and israel are


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I will have sex with Red the otter.


Marge. What is going on? What are they talking about?


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built for BBC


I shut brix and that logged my ip didn't it?


it does not contain malware. It goes on fullscreen and an alert message


probably, rip o7

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