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Sonic cool


he was in the 2000s now he's peak reddit


as a sonic fan this is sad tho


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A shame they completely removed cream


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it just makes me angry but i just try to move on and dont expect anything good from sonic anymore, and i dont even care about the gameplay anymore, its the tone, the aesthetics, the characters, all that has been butchered
fakefan human anatomy


>sonic cool even doe toejam and earl are cooler



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have you felt like that since forces or the sonic movie? I’ve sort of felt this way but I guess mania changed it a little. I think the movies attempt at popularizing sonic was sort of weird but idk it feels like we’re in a different era




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Theres gotta be a reason why xe posted this randomly…
But after 3 whole days and nights searching I couldn’t find sufficient evidence that ‘p is embedded in this image. The search continues.


same but i have hope


two hiphop aliens who need to fix their spaceship, so they go around earth collecting money


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tails wabag


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SA1 aesthetic is goated

based creamposter


why do autistic people like sonic so much? is it just a fascination with things that go fast? trains, sonic, the flash


'Tism but SA1 is indeed a good aesthetic




Simple character designs with primary colors and emotive faces, plus gameplay that encourages repetition to perfect each level


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I am currently porting dolphin-emu to my OS just for this game


Who the hell cares


I care


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He won

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