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what are some good ss13 servers


>good ss13 servers
Lol. Lmao.


Tg is the closest thing to base ss13.

The best experience you can get is playing on fulpstation with 0 admins on (ban evade when caught)

It depends, what are you looking for?


idk but for some reason tgstation gives me like 200 ping while having 80 players while paradise gives me like 50 while having 150 players


Paradise hss a literal nasa set up so yea. Tg station has like 5 servers and some of them have lower pops you can see on their webdite





TGstation is tranny shit
Play /vg/


/vg/ has a decent userbase and coderbase but the jannies there are giant troons
if you ever get noticed by them you are fucked


Most servers have 100x worse powertripping tranny admins. You don't really have a choice, all SS13 servers are pozzed in a way.

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