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Weezer is the musical equivalent of Nintendo games that people like to say are "dark"
Tool is the musical equivalent of Rick and Morty




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>(x) is the (y) equivalent of (thing 4chan doesn't like)


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>(x) is the (y) equivalent of (thing 4chan doesn't like)


shut up


what the fuck does that even mean? also the only good weezer albums were blue, green and pinkerton


you shouldnt listen to music anymore


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White > Green.








Depends. White's songs are either really good or absolute dogshit, while i think green's are more consistent in quality. Also red, make believe and ok human are also good albums


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Trve. Make believe and red are shit albeit. Maladroit is good, but it's too short and not enough variety.



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>Weezer Sucks - Your Favorite Band Sucks Podcast


Red and MB have each two or three songs i enjoy, so overall they arent bad for me.
Maladroit is also a good album


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I have literally never heard something so true in my entire zelenskydamn life. Tool = reddot and Weezer = Stratasoy. Are Wopamaniacs the only legitimate music fanbase left? Discuss.

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