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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

File: 1689781604261-0.png (99.33 KB, 427x400, calm perro rabioso.png)ImgOps

File: 1689781604261-1.mp3 (6 MB, Tailing a lead.mp3)


Musical edition


File: 1690203296107-0.png (572.87 KB, 800x1000, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps

File: 1690203296107-1.mp3 (4.28 MB, Elviron.mp3)


>I look up and stare at the hospital. In the dead of the night it looks so scary.

>"I know you're here," I whisper. "I know you're watching me. I know you're following me. I'm going to find you, you sick fuck. You're going to pay for all the shit you've done to me."

>The lights in the hospital are off. There are no patients. It's just me and the doctor.

>I reach into my pocket and pull out a gun. The doctor's eyes grow wide as I point it at his head. He stands completely still.

>"I'm not going to shoot you," I say. "I'm going to kill myself."

The doctor swallows hard. He looks down at the ground.

>"You're a piece of shit," I say. "You're a piece of fucking shit. You don't deserve to live."

>I cock the gun.

>The doctor turns and runs out of the hospital.

>I stand there for a moment, staring at the door.

>I walk over and pull it open.

The doctor is nowhere to be seen.

>I walk out of the hospital and close the door behind me.

>I walk around the side of the hospital and climb up onto the roof.

>I sit down on the edge.

>I take a deep breath.

>I stand up.

>I take a step off the roof.

>I fall.

>I hit the ground with a sickening thud.


sundial aeon - pleasure impact is an official /calm/ hymn


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File: 1690810431165-1.mp3 (7.41 MB, Timelapse Victoria 2 - Wor….mp3)


File: 1690834089597-0.mp3 (9.74 MB, Fixions - Flashback.mp3)

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File: 1690841367239-0.mp3 (7.18 MB, Van McCoy - The Hustle.mp3)

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File: 1690857069929.gif (1.51 MB, 776x600, 25964 - SoyBooru.gif)ImgOps


File: 1690972633498-0.mp3 (12.89 MB, Himiko Kikuchi - Baby Talk.mp3)

File: 1690972633498-1.png (2.91 MB, 1803x1035, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps

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