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What’s your thoughts on the Randy Marsh shrine?


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The woman who made this is a lesbian by the way


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>body pillow
I doubt that


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>Randy Marsh shrine


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I didn't know when they had Randy talked about "I wish Jaden Smith was my son" That Jaden Smith was actually his son and Sarah Silverman was his wife.
yeah its probably just gay points.


i found out that South Park now has an official discord server.


Chud it up


how? They got all these bots that prevent any spam


do you wish you had a shrine of Randy?


i wish i had adidas campus 80s south park towelie


what would you do with it?


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Sounds like a fun experience.


Why did South Park become gay?


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<4chan thread


Why are the mods so gay?


Gemmy hyperautism


I didn’t know women could be autistic


it always was


Damn that’s coal


I miss when Randy said it on wheel of fortune


Randy loves to hate em


Just to clarify if we are all in the same boat here, is the woman who made the Randy's altar female born or a transgender?






I think she is an actual woman. She says she’s a lesbian though which makes this even weirder




You have 10 seconds, Mr marsh.

I think i've solved the puzzle…



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T. Nicholas John Stabile III aka BT


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>trans women
>into men
Retard. With the exception of /tttt/ metagamers, they're all lesbians (read: straight men)

She's part of the tumblr fakeboi space that is the western South Park Fandom. Speshul labels, like lesbain in this case, are collected, deliberately used nonsensically, and changed on a whim. They shouldn't be interpreted as anything other than fatherless.
You all don't know your enemy and it shows.


south park sucks


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>>trans women
>>into men
>Retard. With the exception of /tttt/ metagamers, they're all lesbians (read: straight men)
>She's part of the tumblr fakeboi space that is the western South Park Fandom. Speshul labels, like lesbain in this case, are collected, deliberately used nonsensically, and changed on a whim. They shouldn't be interpreted as anything other than fatherless.
>You all don't know your enemy and it shows.


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I look like that


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