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>Don't play deltaTROON, made by that kike Toby Fox, you should play LISA, Austin Jorgensen is an Aryan cha–ACK!


pointlesscord woke up


Someone tell him


new cecefem victim just dropped




>deltarune le bad even doe cute goat boyfriend


>>whites built the computer you typed this on
>>whites built the internet you used to post this
>>whites built the physics that was used to make the internet and computer you used to post this
>>whites built the mathematics that was used to make the physics that was used to make the internet and computer you used to post this

all the while, africans are still building mudhuts and whining about colonization

yep, its definitely something to be ashamed of


Weren't there a lot of arab & chink mathematicians doe
rest is spot on



Old 'toss, his father (Brad Armstrong IRL) (!) had just died so he was more vulnerable and susceptible at the time


Kill yourself


Live yourself

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