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Why is this true though


Models don't get their jobs because they are exceptionally good looking. that used to be the case but now all you need is to be a mixed kid of some very wealthy or powerful parents.


Idk I guess women really let terrible people control the fashion industry or something


models arent selected for beauty
"weirdness" (in a good way) is what they're selected for




This isn't true, most models look like the girl on the right. Zendaya is not just a model, she's a popular actor and hiring her to model for Vogue isn't the dumbest idea in the world considering the army of simps she's amassed.


People look more attractive in person


gay men in the fashion industry
thats also the reason most models dont have big tits and ass


Ugly subhuman and also another ugly subhuman


even doe fast food places are all niggers


Omg, soot, doll and kuz

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