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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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I've been interested in this franchise for some time now.and wondering what games should I play first to get into it.what do you recommend?





Im the chosen one O.O


Play 4 first. It's decently easy and relatively good. Don't fall into the nugame trap, the first five games + maybe 6 are significantly better than the rest. The new ones especially are copy paste assets and completely soulless.


touhou 8 is peak SOVL though


I just finished 1 and 2 in no time, very fun


Didn’t zun try to take that site down though
Also all downloads there require torrent. OP if you’re interested here’s a link to all of them:


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Satan thread


thanks man
y doe




play ten desires its the easiest


legacy of lunatic kingdom is easier, play that


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I think im just gonna play all of them in order to get the most of it. if it gets too hard I can always just skip it :)


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Good advice, OP won't regret it.


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Trvthnvkerald. IN, GFW and the first two card games are peak gem.


It gives less resourceralds doe.


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6 to 11 games have the most popular characters


i only played some fan mobile game and then highly responsive to prayers


>if it gets too hard I can always just skip it
pussy nigga


For later
I remember playing a 3d topview one when I had a ps4 that has the vampire whore and her maid going into some quest


Rutracker doe, doujinstyle doe


ten desires is boring as shit


the last boss is a tranny doe, it's gemmy to defeat doe

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