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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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/vrsg/ - Virtual Reality Soyjak General #1
"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"™
Succession Edition

>Avatar Resources:

Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
>Guide to Avatars 3.0, including toggles
>OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)

Other resources (downloads at your own risk):
ComboGestureExpressions - enable various facial expressions with shapekeys based on your hand positions
DynamicPenetration 1.31 - now warns you if you don't import it correctly
DPS Shader Generator (Works for Liltoon, UTS, and UnlitWF)
Poiyomi Pro 7.3.029 - works with Dynamic Penetration System, as well as AudioLink
Physbones tutorial - give yourself jiggling booba or whatever
Male/boy model list
How to find related assets for your base

Upcoming events:

OP template pastebin: https://rentry.org/vrsg
Previous thread: none cause this shit the first


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Finally! I can be a real woman!


VRchat raids when? How to even raid this game?


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this ain't for raiding it's for chilling with the homies, but if ya wanna I ain't stopping ya


What are the way to troll/annoy people in this game? What about ban evading?


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you can go the regular route of just saying slurs but people will just mute you automatically or kick you. you gotta get into their heads using some mkultra ass shit.


LIke >>7059 said, you have to be creative with your insults, my advice is getting a really attractive avatar base and slamming them once they get in a comfortable place.


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and use booth avatars. no tda or Gumroad they are ugly and used mostlyby troons, we have a strict no tda policy here! TOTAL TDA DEATH


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peak vr chat gameplay


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vrchat has fallen


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I like to take the two heaviest cast iron pans in my kitchen and slam them together as fast as possible with my dick in between


What are some easy groups to infiltrate?


/vrlg/ in the trash board on 4tran


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erm, we hate trannys around actually. we just want to give our frens something appealing to look at and vice versa. same reason you play as a female in RPGs or JRPGS


>no arrow


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we are NOT trannies nor gay. we are just jerking off to each other in a straight way, get your facts straight.


I'm a Libertarian and I look like this.


I never denied being a fag, there is a difference between cutting your dick off and thinking you are a woman and liking the same sex


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i guess that's fine then chuddie have fun with your virtual reality sexual intercourse


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finally vrg but not a coal mine


send photo then


back to the rice fields with you


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Movie Night Meet at 10:30 pm CST, we watching some boomer classics so vote for which film we will be watching tonight. https://strawpoll.com/e6Z28P14qnN


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I came, I saw


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looks like air force one might be tonights film, ill give it another 30 minutes and I will close the poll


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world is up. join off the link https://vrch.at/rtamhufs


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very kino film thank to who all came




I could make one, blender is my strong suit


if you do , make a thread about it and you will be god here


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this is the thread for it, it's called virtual reality soyjack general for a reason


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cool world i found


>virtual reality soyjak general
>tranime avatars


You can crash people or make abhorrent avatars, that would be gemmy.


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"tranime" I like looking at something pleasing and so does the person looking at me as well. you are unironically pushing the troon shit from R/egg_irl which makes you no better than a tranny. kys nigger


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i will kill any trannie that join our instances. we hate them to nigga


Wojak fag dust


You are valid and I support you


would anyone be interested in a meet and greet tonight?
all can come

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