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/pol/ - Politics

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Nazi ‘cord woke up. Let’s show them that their hate is not tolerated on the sharty, duderinos and xisters


Based, fuck fascists and tiny white pécker cuckolds


sobot, my love




Nazis le lost and now fashizm is a dead ideology


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anti-white coal, stirb


even though the soviet union was more white


Soyviet cuckoldunion


How unprofessional. Sharty teens, we should find his employer and get him fired! Whose with me guys!



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>larping in uniforms and killing Poles will make me white thoughever


Lol gem




ayo she rite doe


Poles are destined to be dominated by Germans and Russians


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>Nazi ‘cord woke up. Let’s show them that their hate is not tolerated on the sharty, duderinos and xisters


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>>larping in uniforms and killing Poles will make me white thoughever


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gem video


flag checks out


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The civil war killed/exiled most of the whites. All that was left was Jewish elites ruling over Mongol mutts.


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killing poles is very evropean


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>TND (total nazi death)


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>>TND (total nazi death)


4cuck/Pol/ Mutty is angry with spaniARYANGODS again and make his own coal geg


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>4cuck/Pol/ Mutty is angry with spaniARYANGODS again and make his own coal geg


mi skin is light but thanks anon


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>mi skin is light but thanks anon


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thank you very much anon :)
take my proof and have a good day or night 'teen


Your pinky finger is so little


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sorry for that, what is your size 'hud friend


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please not being gay, i don't wanna show you my dick


about the size of my ring finger but somewhat smaller


>reddit filename
>trannybooru filename
holy shit go back


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your ring finger?


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>"trannybooru" even doe booru hate much trannies
new brazilian schizo just dropped(im now im mobil tho)


huh sorry


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>thank you very much anon :)
>take my proof and have a good day or night 'teen


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calm down mymy


>cares about huwaites, joins in war and causes even more to die


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wrong flag


absolute coal, but expected from trannies who needed foreign assisted resurrection in order to have "their" own country exist 2x


keep seething


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>calm down mymy


holy fail


gem goes up
still better than never winning a war


pretty much this. The loss of the whites against the reds is the single most devastating event. It was the birthhour of everything degenerate happening today.


important fact



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not your perosnelle army, j3w


Glas the juice



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You're american


and each of them took it like a man. Not some butthurt pole.


ive seen one black person and two muslims in my life


did you kill them


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