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/pol/ - Politics

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I don't hate serbians anymore


Is it because you have almost the same language?


Why the new revelation?




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Hvala brate


my man's character arc has begun


im trans


me too after buttsexing one


im trans


ti si slovenac


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srbin u sloveniji


Ive been at a Serbian restaurant and it was pretty comfy/tasty


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why tf is my flag Austrian now geg
It used to be Israel once


Remove tranny


im trans




I hate servs and their expansionist turkofolk nationalism


im still trans


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Good, pointless brother wars are cringe, you should all come together to form closer economic and cultural ties with each other to resist the imperialist interests of N.A.T.O. Mainland China, and the Globalist elite.
Balkan EVROPIA most stand strong together.

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