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So I've been reading this race realist blog by a guy named Joseph Bronski who is known to post on here (he openly uses sharty references in his livestreams and articles). It's generally pretty good except he's a massive narcissist that can't stop talking about how he's doing groooooundbreaking research and ebegging for donations. But I digress. There's an article that he wrote PISSES me off and I know he lurks here so if you can respond Joseph please do.

(Side note: I agree with most of the article I'm just picking the parts I have a problem with)
>Democracy does produce mostly responsive governments, and the intellectual defense of democracy which argues that democracy increases government stability is compelling. In fact, countries with strong records of democracy are far less likely to experience civil wars than hybrid regimes. This is what voters being mostly rational predicts: the likelihood of an illegitimate government coming to power is greatly reduced. Thus, there is no cause for a civil war, which by definition is the violent removal of an illegitimate (i.e. an unpopular and insecure) state.
You realize that these third world shitholes with unstable governments don t have democracy because every time they get a democratic government it's quickly overthrown? Democracy "works" in white countries due to having a high iq, wealthy, and generally homogenous population but doesn't in Afghanistan because they have a lower iq, poorer, and ethnically fragmented population. Nigger, the reason that non democratic countries have more civil wars is because democracy DIDN'T work in quelling ethnic/religious tensions and resource competition. Furthermore, this doesn't explain why the masses will vote out of a democratic government like the french did to Napoleon or germans to Hitler. When is it rational to vote AGAINST democracy? "Democracy good" is flat on its face retarded and you should know better.
>In real life, the House and Senate appoint Speakers which lead the chambers. A PM is perhaps most like that position — and I’m not sure who the Speaker of the House is currently because I don’t vote for that. I do know that I will vote Republican for my Representative next election, because I am against woke and other Democratic gayness.
How the FUCK will voting republican save the white race? When did that stop integration, or gay marriage, or mass illegal immigration? Vote republican? What about your elite theory? Why don't we just get a Henry Ford-like elite on our side to support us? Even the bolsheviks had to be funded by (((bankers))) to win. Plus, you yourself admit that conservatism is declining, so why fight a losing battle against the hordes of nonwhites that will be voting against you at every turn?
Rant end. I expect a response soon.


The majority of the human species and the races, will be forced to evolve their minds and souls lest they devolve into literal niggers and jews. Speaking of which, killing them all would solve all of your problems.


meds he doesn't post here keeeeeeek


>Oh my Fauci, people will vote for public goods that apply to them?!?!
In this stream he says the word "coal" in a clear sharty-like manner.
(Skip to around 1:27)
He uses sharty exclusive soyjaks in his youtube thumbnails and has posted links to bis youtube channel on here before. It's to be expected since this site is infested with RW twittertards and armanites although I do somewhat like his research but not his character. Also, he's a "Christian" that shits on Nietzsche for not using citations but believes in evolution? Where is your citation for Yahweh creating the world in six days in the bible? I thought we went over how God isn't real a century ago already. Regardless, his articles are still pretty good.


1:27:39 to be more accurate*


>oh my fauci
nigga thats twitter lingo, no eceleb would even want to be associated with this site considering the amount of p posted here


Then explain the other evidence like saying "coal"



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