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And nothing happened , am i being scared for nothing ? i see always people whining about how vaxx cause cancer , low fertility , especially heart attack ,…
or is it just saline and placebo ?


dont worry about what you cant change
the side effects were supposedly short term anyways. if you didnt get a heart attack by now chances are you're safe.
i did the same because of literal years of draconian restrictions and i realize it was a mistake but worrying about it now is useless


I dont remember exactly but i lost the smell and taste for a couple of weeks , i guess those were the shorterms for me .
also i have asthma and sometimes i feel a pain in my heart , so i guess im really lucky
>dont worry about what you cant change
sadly what is done cannot be undone


I got vaxxed twice too and deeply regret it.our gov niggers kept threatening non vax wont be able to enter universities without a pass(which never happened)now im livng with it forever


>sometimes i feel a pain in my heart
kek same. you took the moderna didnt you?


not moderna , i took sinopharm .
i used to have this heart pain frequently ( like a needle poking my heart for 2 seconds or less ) 5 years ago before covid , but after covid and the vaxx , now i still have the heart pain but not often
Maybe i just needed to move my ass from my bed and chair and do some sport , that helped me ( I started gym in late 2021 )


the only shit that scared me was myocarditis , i thought i was gone for real


Yeah I regret getting it but I’m fine. I only feel like shit because of my own poor choices in life.


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i took the single shot J&J and then nothing ever again. no side effects except achy arm for a couple of days
i can't believe some of you niggers actually got the pfizer or moderna MRNApozload jabs GEEEEEEEEG


J&J was banned in Italy because it caused too many side effects when i took it. Pfizer and Moderna were the only choices


>muh mega crop is better then yours
Americans come on


/x/schizo Qtards went all in on red deer event scenarios, or worse, when biden stole the election.
Remember early in the pandemic when liberals were going to chinatown to hug chinks, and saying there was a pandemic was a racist wignat dogwhistle, and how they inverted the narrative within a week?
The same but with rw and vaccines. From "Trump saves the West from the Chyna Plague" to the shadow cabal wanting to kill 95% of the population (only the ones that trusted them and got the vaccine).
Covid has a near zero mortality rate unless you're over 70 or have prior lung diseases. The vaccine does nothing.


>Remember early in the pandemic when liberals were going to chinatown to hug chinks, and saying there was a pandemic was a racist wignat dogwhistle, and how they inverted the narrative within a week?
how could i ever forget it lmao. most blackpilling moment in my life.


>took the vax
>not dead
fucking lying nigger


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>never took vax
>never stay around vaxxies
>never had covid
>never got tested
>vaxcucks literally bragging they only had one shot of experimental monkey dna


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reminder that if you took the clot shot you're a fucking pussy who caved into the largest psyop in world history


B-but the government said I won't be able to access the uni without the pass :(



Made through Tor


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kill yourself tranny


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i wish it would kill you


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i with youd get cancer and die


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i hope you get aids


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i hope you get hiv


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i hope you get anally raped by a nigger with aids


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you are a subhuman freak


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kill yourself


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take a loaded shotgun


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put the barrel inside of your mouth


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pull the trigger


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paint the wall with your brains


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preferably do it live so i can laugh at you ending your pathetic faggot life


what is wrong this fag and his tranny posting ?


Unchecked mental illness Morocco bro

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