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/psy/ - Psychedelics

Smoke weed everyday
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ITT we post about gabapentinoids and make fun of redditors who are still using benzos to get high when there are much better alternatives
list of gabapentinoids:


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ermmm isnt phenibut dangerous and bad for you


probably the only dangerous thing about phenibut is redditors shilling it thinking its completely benign and the jews who import it cheap from china and then sell it for retardely high prices just for a few grams


how do i import it from china
do i have to become a jew


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"b-but don't you know that pregabalin was made by a jooooooo???"


Not spoonfeeding you but phenibut is a sort of trend right now so the prices are artificially inflated, try to opt for something that is more potent and has a longer history of use, like baclofen, which should also be cheaper. Also check your laws because these could be illegal from where you are.


isn't phenibut really popular in russia


does anyone know where to get GHB analogues in north america?

i used to get drunk off that shit every day for like 2 years but then some of the manufacturing places got banned


ignore that retard. You can buy pure Phenibut from liftmode


this is like 99.9% purity unlike most phenibut websites


>GHB analogues
Not sure what you are looking for exactly but here is a list of a few of them
as to where you can find them, probably china, mexico, india, or some shady people selling it as paint thinners or whatever


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>ignore that retard


ban weed


ban weed ban weed


dont ban weed


1,4-Butanediol is a god tier GHB analogue/gabapentoid

It is basically the same as GHB except it has to get metabolized by the liver first.
I think China banned it a couple years ago

I would buy this https://multigelremover.eu/store/Multi-Gel-Remover%C2%AE-500-ml-p159947033
but it's only available in Europe. It's technically legal to get GHB i Europe (multigelremover is 50% GBL and 50% plant cellulose). You can either eat it with the cellulose or remove the cellulose.
Adding cellulose is the legal loophole that still allows it to be sold.


i dont think thats a gabapentinoid doe


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>just buy the drug that is more expensive than baclofen while also being a hundred times less potent


the only substances you should consider taking are: nardil lyrica vorinostat cerebrolysin bromantane ritalin
anything else is cope


holy cow i remember when i last talked with you seems like new medications to shill just dropped what changed chuddy?


wtf are u talking ab


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>wtf are u talking ab


Do people really still take that stuff, seems like it can be pretty nasty


It depends on the grade. You can get high grade analogues and GBL.

also it's easy to synthesize pure GHB from ingredients you can buy off amazon and about $300 worth of chemistry equipment


i personally wouldn't do it frankly, have known people addicted to GHB, these were some of the biggest zombie braindead fucks i have ever seen


It's not any different from alcohol addiction, it just doesn't harm you physically like alcohol does. Also it doesn't make you as sick as alcohol, and you can't die from the withdrawal


>and you can't die from the withdrawal
source? pretty sure people do die from this
also do you know how baclofen compares to ghb


how good is it


How good is what my dude




I was in detox from withdrawal before. I don't think you can die from it. They prescribed me Baclofen.

I had basically no side effects going off 24/7 GHB by tapering Baclofen.

The real issue if you keep taking it constantly (like all day) is that there's a dopamine rebound. GHB surpresses dopamine in the brain and then when you stop a bunch of dopamine gets released at once. So if you keep taking it and then stop you will have extra stimulation which may be annoying.

This is why it's used as medication for narcolepsy (Xyrem) because it helps you sleep and then have energy when you wake up from the dopamine rebound


Are you a slav? Me thinks the gaba system for slavs is just built different


I dunno


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patralineally i'm swedish
apparently most of my ancestors were in east europe though


well you were the one who asked


How did you get into detox in the first place? I always thought you gotta be really careful with GHB and you really really don't want to take it more than a few times a week at max


How good is gabapentinoid?


Depends on which one (You) take, i really like pregabalin and am pretty sure they will more restrictively schedule it in the future since it seems to be heavily abused
The others are pretty good too though, just read some trip reports on erowid if you are interested in what they do.


i had insurance then so i went to the hospital.

GHB everyday is probably fine since it only lasts an hour






where the fuck do I buy phenibut now did they ban it a year ago?


they really banned it? yikes


don't buy it it's coal
look for f-phenibut or baclofen


Good thread, see you in the next /nwg/ on >>>/soy/ teens


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yeah issa bumo


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>Phenibut acts as a receptor agonist for GABA, the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. It is chemically related to baclofen, pregabalin, and gabapentin

if you take this shit you're literally going to be lowering your IQ until you're a dumb monkey nigger

ween yourself off

stop taking this shit


I plan on OD'ing on GABAnergic drugs


why doe


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We have it in drugstores, it is prescribed even for 3yo children.


gabapen what? pass da gabagool, ova here!


1800 prega and 1500 phenibut today


Whats the best way you lyricateens deal with the withdrawals?
I usually dose a small dose the first few days, take diazepam and promethazine for sleep, and or baclofen during the day, also i found that dissociatives can be very good at alleviating the withdrawals, not DXM specifically as it's too stimulating but others more so, maybe even things like memantine as they seem to be rather smooth and not fiendish like some high potency dissos can be. Anyways thankfully the main symptoms don't last much longer than a few days even if you abused it heavily, i'm talking the trouble sleeping, sweating and generally feeling like shit, all of them seem to go away rather fast.

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Just change it to gabapentin


not everyone has access to that, and anyways, the point is to reduce tolerance or optimally abstain, not substitute

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For pregab i need to buy a fake prescribtion or to order through darknet for 3x price. Gabapentin is still available prescription free in every second drugstore in Яussia.


>buy fake prescribtion
keeeek do people still do this? at least in CHADmerica you usually get fucked by the feds if you do it too much, anyways pregabalin is insanely easy and cheap to order from china, a kg goes for 200 bucks, it's not a problem supply wise

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Prega is controlled in Russia. So if you order it from China, you'll be arrested in the post office.


they label it as something else, unless border control opens it and gets a forensic office to confirm that it is a controlled substance, nothing will happen

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Why when on prega i want to consume a lot of cafdeine and nicotine? I drink 3 litres of energy drinks and smoke 2 packs of cigs.


Idk something about lower inhibitions, i can handle a hell of a lot more bud too if on pregaba, makes the smoke real smooth and i just go through blunt after blunt

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4.2 pregab and 3,5 phenibut, who's ever done more?


can't speak for phenibut but i maxed out at some 6g of pregabalin a day back when i wasn't giving a shit lole

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