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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Celestia create /mlp/ for all the ponies of the sharty


should be /equestia/


Actually celestia do this


'fem reference


enough with these obvious gayops. every few months you faggots larp as something else and you're not even good at it you just desperately reply to yourself over and over again because you're too stupid to actually post believable bait


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>H-heavens.. chud.. what is that scent?..
>Do thou not partake in bathing..? When’s the last time?
>Oh dear.. well, the aroma is most pleasing to… when.. in estrus…


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>Unironic /mlp/ fag


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Are you implying we are fake ponyfags?


those are actual mlp stream immigrants


i will never buy into these retarded stories they've been doing this for months


They already have a home on 4cuck we don't need another dead board


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I know too much about /mlp/ to be an off site cord troon, and i've been here for too long to be an immigrant, the stream raid basically sparked all the pony posters native to this site into action doe.


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ponytroons are just like pretty much every other faction of 'cuck posters, low test soiboi manchildren
can't wait to raid your gay ahh cytube again nigga


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Keyed Luna poster


Brony pedo troons have every forum and image board in the world to post their shitty cartoon horse porn, they don’t need a board here and should be ban worthy.


ml'p is only talked about because 4cel oldtroons that probably use /lgbt/ forced it, not deserving of a board.


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10% of the native sharttly were pony sleeper agents and your raid awakened them on top of inviting /mlp/ gods to the sharty.

You are being replaced.

This is what you chose.

Friendship won.


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hashban all of these gay files and rangeban NOW


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Which raid are you referring to? The gmod server / gartic phone raids?


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You have visited by Monty, spirit of the Abyss. Post ponies or be forced to eat her spaghetti


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hi thomas


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i like ponies just like the other guy but i dont think we need another dead board just go to /mlp/ on the cuck


I made the thread when people were spamming joke boards on soy, janny moved this one but kept others on soy, a /mlp/ board would probably end up disasterous.


Tranny typing style. I wonder why a man who's obsessed with a girl's show would talk like a tranny. 🤔


>typing is le tranny
Its late at night chud, go to sleep.


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Marge what the fuck are you talking about

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