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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

Password (For file deletion.)

No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

File: 1690961873512.png (718.99 KB, 1048x1584, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps


Do all the images on /soy/ contain a hidden soyjak?
Is the 'booru a missing persons database?
Why did /qa/ become a secondary board?
Is babybot controlled by Lute?
Is Doll an Interpol asset?
Why do all imageboards have an /x/ board?
Is this a stealth /x/ thread?


Do samefagging chuds accuse themselves of samefagging in order to bump their own thread?




I can confirm this



File: 1691074063639.png (254.09 KB, 620x675, 2040 - SoyBooru.png)ImgOps


File: 1691079524109.gif (2.27 MB, 912x400, 13491 - animated arrow gla….gif)ImgOps

>Is the 'booru a missing persons database?
wtf DOLL is this true

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