>>110655orion personally gave a shoutout and an AMA on the sharty, and a megathread was made on him
mods only moved it cause it mentioned the blackstab and this was perfectly IAS
Nanny was that nessacary
congrats 'cord you did it
>>110668Or maybe because it was devolving into another 'cord drama thread when people started talking about Mao.
Where is the spin incident?
>>110663I never said 'p raids were made up shit, i just referred to the cytube specific one (which I've never seen because I join the cytube very often)
>>110665I see, but does orion have any actual relations to the sharty like being a frequent poster or anything?
>>110656isn't mauzy's creator a member of the cord that made mao hurt herself or am I wrong?
>>110663the p spam/raids of july arent related to the two or three times someone posted 'p on cytube you brainfuck
>>110679You literally said this, judging by the amount of shit you don’t know either you haven’t been on for a while or you a new
>>110681Didn’t they dox mauzy for that
>>110684He says it a fake dox tho
>>110682Wasn’t talking about your cytube streams which NO ONE watches
>>110685What even happened to the server did it implode
>>110683When did I say what? I took a break from here some parts of june and july because I was on a trip with my family. What did I literally say though?
>>110687probably yeah because it wasnt even a normal groomcord to begin with
I wonder why the mauzy thing is still in development?
>>110691The guy who was making it (lucky) said he broke his arm in a motorcycle accident on /qa/.
>>110687He gave me his discord , he just told me that
1. The frogposting is the cord or atleast originally cord culture
2. He exposed them
3. He told me that the frog postings and jannies followed him and derailed every thread about mauzy
>>110693Jannies were in the cord
>>110603Lita is tier 2 and TND is tier 3 at this point
Add IRL Colorjak and the Original Wholesome Soyjak
>>110603Mauzys destruction has no reason to be that low, Ijak is a forced discord meme
I know into the deepest depths. Sadlyy I don't think it's all true once-so-ever
>>110641>>110643>>110654>>110656Lucky here, this is EXACTLY why I never fucking called it “mauzys destruction” and wherever you faggot retards got that name from and why you STILL all use it is beyond me, especially since there’s two posters on the booru that have the name and it has its own tag.
>>110692This is correct but I am healing now albeit
why is doge on here
>>110891doge pooner probably
>>110927That's rich, coming from a zelig troon
>>110919why should some shitty failed baiter be on there but not p#blm?
What about the spin incident
Where is operation wikisneedia?