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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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hey kiwifaggot, reposting this for the 30000th time wont make you a real woman just letting you know


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least obvious samefag, neck yourself kiwifaggot


That's good trad pedophilia though, not the bad non-trad pedophilia like trannys do.


Why are you posting screenshots from a website for tranny pedophiles


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Even THOUGH sobot is actually a brown roadman from london


debunked 'toss


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did sobot get put in a spliff?


shut the fuck up bruv you talking mad fucking smack


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Imagine ur an muslim in London and some mutts worship yo asss an wanna fuck it en sheeeit


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>holy shit i transheart posting /q/ threads in /soy/ because i'm a fembrained drama addicted kiwitranny


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Nobody cares about this nothing 'toss, stop posting it dramatranny


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posted it again award


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where is your meth shipment?

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