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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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>soyjak.discord in 2023
>you can't post any creative soyjak on the soyjak board
>everyone gets banned for whatever nuanced rule the current mod comes up with in his mind
keeeeeeeeeeek this place is doomed with all the janny interference, a shitposting site on which you can't shitpost anymore, sad


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>b-but your so called "shitposting" was GORE, or TRANNIES, or maybe BLACKED
no it wasn't, you are just searching for random boogeymans while trying to deny reality, this site is doomed like this to turn into a generic reddit 4cuck clone


i agree with what you said but you are a cordson poster and you are also a descriptive filename tranny therefore i am forced to disagree


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New toss


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>posting nas gore and racebait
>gets banned
that's a good thing

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