Dolly doll you're the best
Dolly doll you're the best
Dolly doll you're the best
>>113380Okay, I understand.
>>113369 is right about the huge costs?
>>113443The people ITT would be powertripping jannies that would ruin the site if they got their grubby hands on it, they'd delete every little thing they dislike because their goal is to turn it into their personal safespace.
>>113466It's the opposite
>>113576DOOOOLL I doubt you're not aware of this but the polls have been botted
literally nobody except a few obsessed trannies want racebait on the site
>>113597wtf is doll supposed to do about botting
force teens to provide id to vote?
>>113597Botted votes got filtered before
>>113600>muh unironic racistspeople like (you) are turning this site into 4cuck
posted it again award №113607
>>113518half of the kiwifarms thread about the sharty is kiwifarms users who barely ever browse the site coming in at a bad time when 'p is being spammed and instantly clicking away to make a post complaining about it in their thread. when null's entire exposure to the site is reading pages upon pages of kiwitroons complaining that they saw 'p along with 'cord troons posting about their personal pedo drama that's barely sharty related it's no wonder why he thinks that the site is just a hub for child exploitation
>>113592kys, skiddie website
>>113600Kill youself faggot nigger lover
ITT: the coal that is trying to ruin the party
doll is applejak a pony or fruitjak
>>113619You first pooland discord tranny vote no and rangeban toilet cleaner country
>>113635>YOURE POLISH CUZ UHHH YOU JUST ARE OKAYblow your brains out you queer rule cuck
>>113636Gut yourself discorder polish tranny
>>113487This is a constant throughout human history imo
>>113583I dont think it can be considered racebait if it’s IAS saying it, since it’s just typical mockery of the eternal soyboy using race. As long as the author isnt advocating for bait worthy opinions it shouldnt be considered bait
>>113648>>113647just ban them both, its simple
>>113600trvthnvke. neutral website albeit
I transheart doll the retarded nigger who cant stick to a decision
I transheart doll the retarded nigger who cant just ban the same 5 coalers he admits post the most boring threads, instead he listens to them
I transheart doll the retarded nigger who thinks its a good idea to put pedolita avatarposters who praise themselves and encourage racebait incharge because it trolls the heckin pissbabies epically (but ban the other form of racebait because it triggers them personally)!
I transheart doll and the discord clique of sharty jannies. Truly nothing has changed since kuz
Oh but caca fellow soyteens! Baby! Epic win! Dooooollll baby caca epic!!!!!
Racebait was banned on /soy/ and it was good why do you want to autorize it ? It will shit up the site like months ago
>>113653I agree, I hope they clean it up, not only because it’s NAS low-quality coal on /soy/, but also because it’s a low-effort larp. That nigger couldn’t even find high-quality ISIS media to post, just compressed nasheed videos and low-res execution gifs from their most well-known videos. Makes me fucking angry for some reason because that guy must think he’s so unique and interesting with such predictable and unfunny posts that have no effort put into them. I bet he can’t even name 5 wilayat from Syria or Iraq. He probably doesn’t even know who sung those nasheeds he posts, or which ones are and aren’t even ISIS-related (He replied to a guy soyquoting him with an Ahmed Bukhatir nasheed. FUCKING BUKHATIR?? What, does he think fucking Abu Ali sung Saleel al-Sawarim too?) I don’t know why I’m typing this, I apologize. I just needed somewhere to be pissed at that guy’s ignorant unknowledge for a while.
>>112200This suggestion received a mostly positive response from the users, will you be considering implementing it on the 'ru?
>>113657brown hands typed this
the moderation here is almost making me want to go to dead splinter webiste
they ban you for spamming threads even though this is literally a spam website (just check how /qa/ or /soy/ used to be)
it's gotten to such a point where my spam got deleted faster than the CP
unban mass replying and mass quoting