Chud satanist?
Quit screenshotting your posts and making bait threads on the sharty about them
why are bunkertrannies like this?
kek what a retard
'p matrix
Discuss or share media relating to National Socialism, Satanism/Paganism, antisemitism, accelerationism, anarchism, anti-government, fascism, racism, anti-LGBT or similar topics.
Rule 1 - Do not post illegal content
Rule 2 - Stay on topic
Rule 3 - Do not spam, post textwalls, or otherwise disrupt discussion
Rule 4 - Do not post degeneracy or degenerate jokes
Rule 5 - Don't disturb the echo chamber. Curiosity about national socialism is fine, but do not go looking for a fight.
nazi natsoc nationalism racism aryan hyperborean accelerationist kkk hitler kaczynski unabomber schizo chud lgbt trannies tranny trans antisemitism antisemite pagan paganism paganist satan satanism satanist
praeceptorem is a nigger troon and he's in all the 'p rooms
dot matrix
>>112854why am i a retard?
built for bbc
>random picture of a 10 year old>cute eggi would kill you irl
>>112862Praeceptorem you are built for bbc
>>>>rabbit hole
>>112849its over for you buddy
She looks so beautiful
Marge what t does this have to do with the ‘arty or the matrix movies