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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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these people exist on the sharty btw
kill yourself matrix chudcels


Chud satanist?


Quit screenshotting your posts and making bait threads on the sharty about them


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>5'6 adult MALE
Holy fucking over





why are bunkertrannies like this?


kek what a retard


'p matrix


File: 1691599415466.jpg (189.66 KB, 1024x1193, genius.jpg)ImgOps

>why are bunkertrannies like this?


Discuss or share media relating to National Socialism, Satanism/Paganism, antisemitism, accelerationism, anarchism, anti-government, fascism, racism, anti-LGBT or similar topics.

Rule 1 - Do not post illegal content
Rule 2 - Stay on topic
Rule 3 - Do not spam, post textwalls, or otherwise disrupt discussion
Rule 4 - Do not post degeneracy or degenerate jokes
Rule 5 - Don't disturb the echo chamber. Curiosity about national socialism is fine, but do not go looking for a fight.

nazi natsoc nationalism racism aryan hyperborean accelerationist kkk hitler kaczynski unabomber schizo chud lgbt trannies tranny trans antisemitism antisemite pagan paganism paganist satan satanism satanist


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>prey eyes


praeceptorem is a nigger troon and he's in all the 'p rooms



attack him


dot matrix



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dox him now



why am i a retard?



>>112856 (You)
>>112838 (You)
>>112839 (You)
>>112840 (You)
>>112841 (You)
>>112842 (You)
You are all genius
>>112843 (You)
>>112844 (You)
>>112845 (You)
>>112846 (You)
>>112847 (You)
>>112848 (You)
>>112849 (You)
>>112850 (You)
>>112851 (You)
>>112852 (You)
>>112853 (You)
>>112854 (You)
>>112855 (You)


built for bbc


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Prae666 dox


Cute egg



>random picture of a 10 year old

>cute egg

i would kill you irl


Cute egg




Praeceptorem you are built for bbc


>>>>rabbit hole


its over for you buddy


File: 1691600065810.gif (3.26 MB, 600x462, Soyjak Troonjak troon VR.gif)ImgOps

>>prey eyes


She looks so beautiful


Marge what t does this have to do with the ‘arty or the matrix movies

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