People are allowed to post racebait coal but I can’t post dead niggers, it’s not fair
>>113526I posted literal IAS
>no bans in the last 6 hours
oh really
well You've convinced me to do that too
>>113528Idk what’s so bad about tnd it was completely fine in June
>>113529I miss when Zellig was the main thing we had to worry in /qa/
>>113539>>113540nobody says this
>>113525>When did jannies got so pozzed?. I tried to gem up some furfag and pony treads in /qa/ and got banned. This wouldn't have happened a few months agoUmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, buuuuuuuuuttttt dat said….. Look on the brightttttttt side Chuddyyyy, at least that heckin Kuzzzzzzz weirdo is gone from our beloved
party 4Soy website of whom I hate for some reason based off dubious claims that may or may not have been proven true or false or whatever?
because they aren't doing anything and you're being an annoying fag.
>>113547they're on a soyjak site, not a furry tranny pony faggot website, cuck
>>113548even though they're on the nas board. Do you also complain that everyone on /mtv/ doesn't exclusively talk about jefre-cantu lesdema and bing bing wahoo games? No, you don't. You're selective to groups only you dislike.
>>113549lol ok animalfucker
there should be no issue with counter-raiding offsiters who spam porn and rot communities from the inside
refugees welcome amirite?
get a load of yourself, faggot
>>113551i dont give a fuck about racebait or gore or whatever just get these fucking faggots out of the site
>>113552also, you could start by removing the blatant pedophilia loli scat fetish thread that just got necrobumped
>>4366332or maybe one of the many ponytroon offsiter threads
>>4371235 №113554
>>113550Geeg, furfags and ponyfags have been around longer than you've ever been on this site. Stop acting like the judge of what or what isn't "shartee culture" offsite nigger. you guys have been the only ones talking about or posting porn in those threads anyways.
>>113554>WE WERE ALWAYS HERE CHUDabsolutely wrong faggot, leebaiters were never actually ponytroons and furfags started raiding the site around december i believe
nice projection about the porn by the way, and no, i don't post in those threads
i joined late soot era and i can tell you that site has never seen worse days than right now
>>113557literally said you tried to "gem up" some threads (aka spam and be an annoying spaz)
>>113557Yeah but you're going on the NAS board you darn retard, you're bound to find ponies, zellig, furries, anything really, it is the NAS board after all. It was made to have those kind of stuff, if anything you're just wasting your time shitting on pony threads there instead of shitting on pony threads here.
>>113551the gore doenst bother me, but the mindless racebait does
>>113558i'm not even op retard
>>113559i should be able to derail tranny threads, that is literally a core part of this website, this website ALWAYS spammed shitty tranny threads posted on it, weither it be tranime,
>>113574furshit, pedoshit, etc
>why r der nas threads on the nas board???
gee i wonder, this is a truly mind boggling question, you'd need to be a real grade A smarty to figure this one out
>>113577stop samefagging tranny
>>113578the schizophrenic resorts to namecalling