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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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We need a captcha, permanently, this site is past the point where it isn't needed anymore, we have too many users a lot of them have botnets


facts, the botspam needs to be dealt with. but on the other hand putting a captcha inconveniences everyone for what is likely the work of one autist


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I, for one, am ready to pay that price as long as the captcha isn't too tedious to deal with if it helps with the botspam.


I, for one, am ready to pay that price as long as the captcha isn't too tedious to deal with if it helps with the botspam.


why does baby bot hate us

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