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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

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new 'tossreald just dropped


doll kick the shitty jannies


Bump even doe jannies will move it




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Whats wrong here doe? Jannys banned some fag talking about cunny, it was deserved. How is posting this stuff "trolling pedos"?


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>Whats wrong here doe? Jannys banned some fag talking about cunny, it was deserved. How is posting this stuff "trolling pedos"?


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you clearly broke rule 2 doebeit


Stop posting tranime on /soy/


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>you clearly broke rule 2 doebeit


How about insteadof being a 'cord tranny you soyquote at jannies or just call them niggers like the rest of us.


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>How about insteadof being a 'cord tranny you soyquote at jannies or just call them niggers like the rest of us.


Point out a single grammatically issue.


Besides the missing space between "instead" and "of" and the missing the , after you. Those don't count, beyotch.


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Erm can you stop soyquoting us and tell us why you think your ban was unjust or something


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