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/q/ - Drama and Meta-drama

Password (For file deletion.)

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Soysuba is not a variant, it is a descriptor. It's like saying mymy or pepe is IAS. This needs to be removed as a variant because it is not IAS. We probably need to start preventing people from making new variant tags because this is not a new issue. If its shitty IAS it's one thing but this is NAS.




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It would be fine as a descriptor like how the shotjak is a "kuz" version, but it is not like the kuzjak which is a IAS variant (slightly honorary IAS). it needs to be dealt with now before there are 200 of these that need to be fixed.


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tsmt delete this brimstone now!


"""Soy"""suba is the filthiest nas brimstone ever forged by the cia, fbi, mossad, mi6, ksb, and the 'cord all collaborating to kill the sharty with pure brimstone.


Nas to be deleted. Being an ms paint drawing doesn't make something a soyjak.


Some obese brown 13 year old nigger spent hours on this so that he could show his cord friends how scary he is like his slowburn A24 kinos


>August 2023
>complaining about shit on 'ru
nigger have you ever browsed that vantablack niggerstone place? 'ru is unironically dead and 'itter/discord-2 since months thanks to tranny jannies over there


I generally don't care, but once 50+ posts under a variant happen, I start seeing it pop up when I'm searching for variants and thats no good.



doll do this

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