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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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'veri is pretty much the soyjak.party mascot
She has the same colors as the sharty (if you're using the gemmy kolyma theme which you should be)
Also she's sharty culture


FBI larp





trans rights: the thread


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>trans rights: the thread


There was a averi poster on /q/ trying to fox groomer cord I’m not sure if it worked or not




That's gemmy


the /soy/ fox also known as the TND fox. she's indubitably related to the /qa/ doge


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This is the equivalent of saying cocoshark is the mascot of /soy/ because he’s white


Cocoshark won't always be a gem though


Marge what does this mean


'veri will always be a gem


There's nothing gemmy about grooming kids on discord and sexually abusing your dog though


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That never happened


>That never happened
Why don't you ask your friend 'zona on the cord about it? I'm sure he knows what I mean


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Holy shit it's just like soybooru but for animal porn!!


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fuck off furtroon


'veri site albeit


pisscord groomer above


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>pisscord groomer above


>>pisscord groomer above


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Maybe if you stopped using 'cord you'd stop thinking about it


Fuck off Charles


New 'cord boogeyman just dropped


Hi pissbabyfurGOD


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Pretty cute FBInigger not gonna lie


pissbaby nigger pedo gtfo


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/qa/ culture goes up


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