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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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I need help for my soyedit of this image. I need girls on who to put/replace these girls. I already have some in mind, but I would like some suggestions.

- Mymy
- Soytan
- Crystal Cafe girl
- Sobot
- Yotsuba/Soysuba

I'll chose which to add and replace, if there are more appropriate suggestions.


there's no need for suggestions albeit


go kill yourself discord tranny


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hmm if only there was a soyjak subvariant specifically for representing little girls…


>- Mymy
>- Soytan
>- Crystal Cafe girl
>- Sobot
>- Yotsuba/Soysuba
Going for a NAS theme?


Girl theme albeit


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You're in luck, there's a whole bunch of valid transjaks!


real women only


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are you a nigger? only a nigger could say something so retarded.
i would say soylita instead of yotsuba


You already have 5 out of the six in the image, so how about soylita?


I'm talking about soysuba.


>are you a nigger?
yeah a dickless one at that


Gemmy idea bumo


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He put soysuba next to yotsuba which is this that has nothing to do with Yotsubato!


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forced NAS drawnigger coal
cobette and soylita or gtfo nigger


Who tf is Cobette


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kek OPs repost on soy got deleted


He should use /qa/


-Soy Wojak
-Guinness World Record Soyjak
-Tony Soprano Soyjak


They're all male.


>Soy Wojak
>Guinness World Record Soyjak
you mean gapejak? kys newnigger subhuman faggot
>Tony Soprano Soyjak


It was moved from soy to here albeit


>making random shit up




>doesnt know mods can move posts to different boards
holy newfag, kill yourself faggot


Issa forcedrald.


it was a second post on soy while this thread still existed on qa
>being this confidently retarded


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Final cast?


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where's op


I am here nigga


Bro just edit the image even I could do it on my phone



I just need help on who should I put


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its already perfect


>Inb4 remove that one thing I dislike
do NOT listen to them


Doll mare


Aight bet




Don't up I'll just make a new thread once it's done


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can you include me im unironically the person from the middle picture



yea but how is it any more NAS than the other shit mentioned


give updates


>you mean gapejak? kys newnigger subhuman faggot
Can't tell if retarded newfag or bait


hi kuzzy kuz


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where is it

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