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File: 1655673557293.gif (36.87 KB, 215x255, FEF0CA32-563E-494C-988E-64….gif)ImgOps


>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


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>>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


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>>>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


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>>>>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


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>>>>>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


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>>>>>>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


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>>>>>>>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


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>>>>>>>>The integral of a to be the function f of x with respect to the derivative of x


math is incel culture now?


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Yes, don't you know that math is an oppressively white colonizer structure that is only in schools to oppress POC?


wtf i love maths now


why are chuds so bad at it then tho



mathCHADS... we won


maths can be boring tho


IM a chud I endorse TND adolf hitler and nazism and heckin love math and science how did you guess



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