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/r/ - Requests

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3 things:
1. Find me a time stamped photo of a cute /x/ girl which was dated to 2014. She has brown hair, is sitting criss-crossed on her bed, holding a small piece of the time stamp. Idk the rest of the date
2. Find time that one pic of a Bianca Devin’s lighter or the picture used in it. It was pretty based
3. Make this thread on 4chud because I’m banned nigga


That's a very specific request


How about you do the first 2 things?


Tried. Couldn’t.





help bros



bitch do it



pretty please with a cherry on top


Tell us more about that /x/ girl and the exact picture you want


Fuck nigga idk. I can’t give much more than what I already described. ‘‘Twas a time timestamp, she was wearing all black in a bedroom that looked around late 4 PM with sun coming through a window. She sits looking towards the camera. She has brown hair, bangs too I think, and an odd expression. The date was 2014 I believe, maybe some time in July but I can’t be sure. I don’t think there’s much in the bedroom, it’s small with cream/beige/white walls. I forgot where I got it from. Hope this helped and was what you were asking.




go up


goes down

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