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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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thog dont caare


Not random, previous dox

VRchat furry who does porn in VRchat. Trans, doxxed themself in their own discord via a Pokémon card


I'm in 'ool and I don't participate in raids, but bumo


Leave them the fuck alone. They have done nothing to you... So shut up... Fucking Dumb asses. You realize that Cyber bullying is a fucking crime right?


>someone enjoying their life

>must go harass and stress them out

it's genuinely amazing how one-tracked your mind is


I'm gonna start participating in the raids/doxxes now





I'm wondering if these are real people or larpers


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>bother a bunch of random people for no particular reason nor tangible benefit aside from a 5 second dopamine rush
>wonder why your site gets constantly spammed
it do make ya think don't it


They are currently having an anxiety attack on stream. If you actually care and aren't just baiting, please go and give them some kind words and help calm them down.


>They are currently having an anxiety attack on stream. If you actually care and aren't just baiting, please go and give them some kind words and help calm them down.

Who do you think we are lol




I don't give a flying fuck about that retard, but I give even less of a fuck about wasting time harassing said retard. Get a fucking hobby loser.


his stream is so messed up
I cant watch




Seething oldtroon


y'all need to find a hobby


Seething oldtroon


well, at least i stand for something and want to help someone. you seem to just lash out at everyone who tries to appeal to what remnants of a soul you have left. i hope you can stop projecting your insecurities onto others and bring about positive change for once


project a bullet onto your frontal lobe mouth-breathing simian


Russia won
You are never getting soledar back


You are all pathetic... Nothing but stupid ass losers that are insensitive. Your emotions are illogical. Your very existence on this planet is illogical. You're defective...


Want to know something else too? You're failing at everything. Don't try to tell me you're not because you are a failure. You are a disappointment to society and your parents.


Furfags trying to dail the thread. Don't get distracted away from our main goal.

empathyfags have no place in the 'arty.




hi aspen


kys samuel


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page 40 negated you arent leaving furfag kike shill we will be back

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