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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

File: 1677317011009.png (623.58 KB, 680x739, doxx.png)ImgOps


lets dox this nigger n raid 196 :)))))))))


After watching his (your) profile for 10 minutes I can safely say you are the worst from both worlds: The mental retardation of twitter, reddit and the cord and the, well, mental retardation of the sharty. Please end yourself as soon as possible


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File: 1677335059738-1.png (92.26 KB, 578x533, rape.png)ImgOps

what makes you think this is me ??? reddit niggers constantly post our shit


>dumb nigger doesn't know which one is the "billions must die" one
this reminds me of how reddit stole the original /v/ guy and then turned him into family friendly rage faces, ditto for the donald thing they had. They cannot create anything, only ruin, how pathetic


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chudtoss likes


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