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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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/RAID/BROS... I COME FOR YOV IN A TIME OF GREAT NEED... THIS TROON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR AFTER THE END (THE CK2 MOD) BEING SHIT... I NEED YOV TO HELP ME TO END THIS TROONIE... AND SAVE ZASED MEDIEVAL SIMULATOR FROM TROONS... https://discord.com/invite/qUQBFXbkjV https://discord.com/invite/qUQBFXbkjV https://discord.com/invite/qUQBFXbkjV https://discord.com/invite/qUQBFXbkjV


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9k is such a faggot, he used to be cool.



How do we doxx him?



5 minutes of looking and the tranny is from california, older than 24 and his favorite color is pink maybe later ill keep looking, though

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