№40231[View All]
I've had enough of Lessons in Meme Culture, so here's some Info:
Target : L.I.M.C Aka Lessons in Meme Culture
Info we know :
Hes Australian
old alias "This Is Your Brain On Meme Culture"
Used to be on Ebaum and Newgrounds (which ofc another username)
His Email is
[email protected]If you want to reset his password there's an option to Send a Code to
[email protected] (which could be his personal Email, but most Info is hidden)
Twitter: https:// twitter.com/MemeLessons (privated)
Privated Instagram which he used for a video : @weirdcgbaby
Patreon and Patreon leaks :
https:// www.patreon.com/LIMC
https:// kemono.party/patreon/user/18078637
https:// teespring.com/stores/official-store-9
GOAL: to somehow get his IP, by requesting a Meme per Email which secretly grabs his IP...etc
Please reply with ideas and your plans.
70 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. №40393
Le bump face
Remember if we download the twitter data breach it's possible that has more personal info
>>40359what website is this?
>>40394where find twitter data breach ??
>>40394Yeah but WHERE DO WE FIND IT!
I’m surprised he hasn’t been targeted earlier, probably one of the worst people on YouTube
>>40471That's why ive had enough from him. We will somehow get rid of him. We need a better dox. I can't put my info that I collected on doxbin. It isnt enough
>>40473Please we need help
No suggestions?
Goodbye thread
>keep going
>>40513I don't believe he has snap
>>40525He must be in his 20s
bump, i live for the downfall of this fag
We will get rid of him
>>40359Name of website/app?
Bump zis
you cant do shit lmao
Lessons in GOD Culture is the only one who can kill memes doe..
>>40276Due to being Australian the first digit will be +61
>>40231Any updates on the 'oxx?
>>42379Sadly no, he only seems to be in 2 data breaches with 0 info sadly
Stop using jaks outside sharty then
>>40252that website doesnt work for me