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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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hey 'uds, 'each me your 'ays of 'oxxing. Last time I asked I got an outdated as fuck video, though


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>reverse image search
>google chrome inspect element
>a burner phone purchased from a darkie-owned corner shop
If someone's able to evade being detected by these dogshit simple tools, they're actively practicing opsec. Most people don't.


Elaborate on inspect element


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<useful for removing ads and evading paywalls
<can be used to view filenames and local filepaths
<can be used to collect server info
<allows you to access original copies of photos, making reverse image search much more accurate
<very useful for people who are good at java


>read local filepaths
please elaborate mate
will somebody be able to see my filepath if I upload something?


Yes, on the server that's hosting the website. Not on your computer.


shit, thanks. can you tell me how to read those filepaths pleasE?


Is there a way to go back if I haven't been practicing opsec, or have I basically given myself AIDS by signing in with jewgle everywhere?


it's over chud





So you can figure out what model of phone someone has from their type of random filenames? Is that from screenshots? What do you go to from there? Oh shit, I stopped wondering about metadata
Is that what can give you a dox?


can anyone explain the tempmail and burner phone parts, though


>check a couple old usernames on whats my name
>Few old accounts i forgot the email/password to and cant delete, but the accounts are empty anyway
Wew. Good to know I guess


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Uhh.. Chudbros? Did we even.. do anything with this dox?


For chuds only https://chuds.life/


holy brimstone a gay splinter site


kill yourself

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