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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Hello my personal army, id like to inform you the roblox bedwars suggestions board is very unmoderated, but full of sensitivecels

The jannies only check every 1-2 days, and bans can easily be evaded by using a new browser/privatebrowser and temp-mail.org


so how many teens do we have screwing with this site right now
i've seen 2 posts before OP called his personal army (just me right now) to invade the site, but those were months ago
we need more gems being posted in the 'eed


Ive only seen 2 other teens so far, i was able to spam countless tnd posts all on diff accounts (this is so jannies cant insta delete all of them and are forced to delete them all manually)
it takes me around 40 seconds to make each account so with enough paitence its rly easy to fuck this site over


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there are literal children there, please stop, i thought we were better than this...


>>41038 Gemifying 'em young

NOTE theyre having a huge update atm so the jannies are active, but this also means the boards more active

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