It's time for another top 10 list, today we'll be looking at the top 10 niggers of all time
Number 10: Obama
Number 9: Michael Jackson
Number 8: Tyrone Niggerson
Number 7: Jamal McBlackdick
Number 6: My dad (who left me)
Number 5: Jesus
Number 4: The Egyptians
Number 3: Louis Armstrong
Number 2: Morgan Freeman
Honorable mentions: Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Yuri Kuznetsov
And finally at number 1 we have... (YOU)
Yes, (you)! (You) are a nigger! A fat lip shitskin coon that is (you)!
And there you have it folks, our top 10 niggers of all time, hope you enjoyed it!
please kys aiten <3
to put it short, this guy is 12. he got bullied out of a discord server (the one he linked) and has been activley trying to "get back" at us. he's also drawn rule34 of an 18 year old and a 14 year old, and written a corny ass fanfic about the server
you will never be a real highjinker
I forgot this board exists
>>41143forgot the sage xister
(it goes in the email field)