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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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i timed myself being able to post atleast 10 troonjak threads in 5 minutes, before the janny notices and deletes it

if i can get atleast 15 other people to do the same, we can wipe the entire catty

however the timeframe is 5 minutes, anyone wanna help? you'll need a residential VPN like Mysterium


how much for a mysterium subscription? Id be willing to help tomorrow since ill have free time


Not a subscription, you pay depending on how much you want to use


$1 would last you like a whole month of use, you'll be turning it on to quickly post a thread, then turning it back off

the faster u do this the less bandwidth (and less pennies) you spend


could i block images on 4chan in ublock to strech it even further?


would IPVN work? i don't really wanna buy another vpn


yes you could block images, its based on how many MB or KB you upload+download

i posted 5 threads and didn't even use up a penny yet

no 4chan blocks ips from Datacenters (where normie VPNs are hosted), residential VPNs when you reverse loopup then, you see they are from like household ISP like Verizon FIOS, Time Warner, etc... datacenter IPs say "Microsoft (aka Azure), Amazon (aka AWS), Google (aka Google Cloud) etc... basically a big corporation's own network


how does mysterium get past this?


oh it's a crypto project with the idiots offering their IPs as the VPN service HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

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