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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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If anyone keeps seeing threads on Gooseworx or Superiorfox, sssonic, etc, they're being made by Zuken, that one faggot kid behind the forced gassy shit and runs Thugchan.
Tell him to fuck off and stop posting.


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cub porn le bad because uhhhh ummm hmmm no sorry can't think of a reason


bumping because the faggot deactivated lmfao good riddence



Forced gassy shit?



Would anyone happen to know if >>40736 was also a thread made by him? The logo in the OP pic looks remarkably similar to the one on Thugchan.


It doesn't even have the IP listed, here's a better one


Stop giving this SEAmonkey attention ffs


Here's an archive of his groomercord server, download this fast because he'll report the shit outta dis cuz he reported the link to mega. https://anonfiles.com/o9X6T73az6/kenzo_s_server_archive_7z


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>ping thugchan.org or any one of his websites on terminal or command prompt
Just ping thugchan.org and you have xis address


what about forprexxer?


massive gem

that's the server IP doe


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That isn't his IP that's the server retard


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Yeah that's the weird part, I was thinking the same thing. Looking into it, the server seems to be hosted in a residential area, which isn't usual for servers unless the server is hosted in the owner's residency.


hi keeper574


If it was a datacenter, then it'd make sense, but a random surburb in North Carolina?


The cado poster of /v/ was in the zuken discord under the name Darth Orlin V Ligon, who was giving him access to an oxylabs account? Is the discord nuked yet?

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