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/raid/ - Raid

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Hello personal army, a previous thread made in /soy/ exposed a certain cabal of trannies ruining the internet as we speak, Meme Voice actors. These niggers ruin the internet with their shitty voiceovers of greentext stories on 4chan. I've already doxxed one, named Dakooters, but she was demonetized on Youtube, and quit making videos since 2020 and hasn't tweeted since 2022. Personal info at the end. There is a big fish, however, one called Voice Quills. She doesn't have much personal info but some images of xer are shown.
Dakooters personal info:
City: Encinitas, CA
Email: [email protected]
Coordinates: 33°01'07.3"N 117°16'47.3"W
School: University of CA

Voice Quills info:
Business email: [email protected]
Shitter: https://twitter.com/VoiceQuills
Website: https://www.voice-quills.com/ (note: load of images here, use pimeye to try and get a match to another website, she also has her girlfriend in the photo)


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what? now we just dox niggers because we don't like their content? what happened to shitting the 'p spammers??


filtering all "image board culture" slide therads and leaving only greentext goodness is keyed
that's why /qa/ was awesome, all wacky memes and not a single rotten apple


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>now we just dox niggers because we don't like their content

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