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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Info about LRD
>22 years old
>posts pedophile propaganda on several 4cuck boards, primarily /a/, /v/, /g/, and /jp/
>uses 'ironic lolicon'
>is very particular over what is and what isn't a lolicon
>is on pawoo and follows StevePizza
>is currently trying to recruit child predators


He is also non-American, to narrow it down.




Average soyteen doeever


holy crap marge
i have seen this "ironic lolicon" guy all over other IBs too


22? that nigga has to be in his 30s or even older he's always talking about the "oldfag" days like when people would post candydoll on /b/ or whatever



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