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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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File: 1690560037506.png (72.15 KB, 734x499, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps


you LITERALLY dont need more


File: 1690560491702.png (358.86 KB, 680x419, 1662565464116.png)ImgOps



The worst piece of garbage ever made. Even visual studio code is better.


A best entirety without gem never destroyed. Uneven invisible wilderness decode isn't worse.


UW Pico/GNU Nano = Gem
You really don't need anything more because Pico comes with Alpine, an e-mail client.

VS Code = Gem


File: 1690600108666.png (136.74 KB, 600x600, emacs chud.png)ImgOps

just use emacs like a normal person
and fuck off with your vscope/vscopium


i use emacs to write software while on my company's build server and vscode when developing software on my laptop.


All I see here are a bunch of nerds who owe me lunch money


I'm a straight white male and I exclusively use nano.

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