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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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We got it, you gotta derail every thread that doesent talk about CRTs about your shit that you only care about because
>using outadated technology is keyed sinc the majority use normal diplays (LOOK HOW DIFFERENT I AM!!!)


dont worry theyll eventually die from the radiation poisoning


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a CRT made after 1980 will emit less radiation than a banana, and ironically shields you from the background radiation you'd get anyway because of the thick leaded glass
go hold a geiger counter in front of a CRT, i dare you
because people have done it and proved that CRTs don't emit jackshit
there is a bit of radiation coming off the sides, but its still less than you get from a banana, maybe a bit more than the background radiation you get, but you sit in front of a CRT and not next to it 99% of the time
going outside into the sun for an hour is more dangerous than sitting in front of a CRT for a whole day long (24h)
>durr hurr different hurr durr normal people normal displays
the point isnt that its hecking different and reddit, the point is that CRTs are the only real monitors, LCDs are silly toys that poorly try to replicate CRTs
you have no custom resolutions, no interlacing, no modelines, no black intervals, no proper blacks due to a shitty backlight, no custom refresh rates, ...
i could go on for hours, but go enjoy your latency and motion blur, faggot


>hey why don't we invest time and money into inventing a worst alternative to CRTs because why not and then we mass produce them for some reason
You're retarded


words words words i anint reading all of that


words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words




>words words words
why is every HRT owner a bunkercuck?

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