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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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CRTs fucking suck LOL
My 360hz I got has blacker blacks, barely any blur and none of those gay ass scan lines.
Maybe if I was a retro gamer faggot I would use one, or maybe I would just use a filter in an emulator, but I don't play shitty ass 30 year old games my machine can actually run the latest vidya


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>blacker blacks
>barely any blur
more blur than any CRT
>muh scanlines
set your CRT to a higher resolution than 480p, don't interlace, and they will disappear
you have clearly never used a CRT and have no fucking clue what you are talking about, but i didnt expect anything else from a frogposter
CRTs can do 420Hz
>muh retro gaymer
>muh filter in muh emulator with muh tripled latency and quadrupled computational power wasted
>muh software anti aliasing because flatscreens are too retarded to do it physically
>muh machine
>implying its "your" machine
flashrom -p internal -E
if you can&039;t do that, you don&039;t own your machine, period.


I have one of the fastest CRTs ever made, and I agree with you.

Its a piece of shit and 360hz LCD is better and doesnt blur like CRT does at high resolution


holy copium back in the locker with you


blur is a good thing, TVs are meant to be very blurry so they can display low res content anti aliased without ugly (bi)linear pixel cancer like on flatscreens
HD CRT monitors are made to look sharp on 1600x1200 and around that, but have very similar colours fade into a gradient, which is anti aliasing but natural.
high contrast shit like text will still look sharp, but you dont need anti aliasing or sub pixel scaling for that either because crts are amazing
in video games its even better, run your crt at a high res and you wont need any anti aliasing
480p will still look better than on any LCD, but not as good as on a low-res CRT TV
if you set your crt to 4k of course itll look a bit blurry, but nobody needs more than normal HD realistically, the only reason why flatscreen toddlers want 4K is because anything below that looks like edgy blocky shit on flatscreens even with anti aliasing


Hi GNUPedo how was your day? My day was great. I got paid over $230 to write proprietary software.


lol poorfag
i got paid 800$ for literally doing nothing and pushing a few buttons while shitposting on the internet
and im not poisoning this world with proprietary pajeet bullshit


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>blur is a good thing
CRT nigger levels of mental gymnastics


holy frognigger cope


>>10373 (You)
That's like $50. And GNUPedo is like 15 and lives in Hungary. He doesn't make $100/hr and admittedly does not work a job.


she is 12

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