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I want to try switching to BSD on my desktop since linux is such a mess but
-Freebsd has good support for programs but looks like a linux clone
-OpenBSD is to autistic
>NetBSD cant run shit
So I landed on DragonflyBSD since I liked what they wanted to do with their or os (for example not having problems with leaving legacy useless shit, which the BSD world is full of).
So I have a couple of question for the DragonflySchizo hanging in this board.
-Can I run a modern toolchain for langauges like C/Cpp (gcc, cmake, ninja, ccache etc)?
-Can I run the Microshit dotnet sdk?
-Can I emulate some of the linux programs?
-Can I run krita and libreoffice?
-Can I run wine with dxvk for some mih gaming?
-Is there a developer/current branch kinda like in FreeBSD and OpenBSD, should I use this branch for desktop (argument precisely in your response)
-Any general advice/tips?


BSD is worthless and got cucked by Apple


Will be surprised if you get BSD perfectly working on bare metal. I assume that BSD has shit hardware support


if BSD doesnt work, GNU/Hurd or GNU/Linux-libre won't work either, so your hardware is effectively e-waste.
my hardware can run every operating system for x86(_64) on this planet, including TempleOS, freeBSD, openBSD, netBSD, trueOS, dragonflyBSD, etc etc…


microkernelfag, not listening to you


i hate microkernels, its the only reason why hurd isnt usable
its almost as unusable as windows, and that says something
i just named hurd as an example because i can run everything i want


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>Can I run a modern toolchain for langauges like C/Cpp (gcc, cmake, ninja, ccache etc)?
yes, dragonfly has all these packages
if you want to check any other package support go to: https://avalon.dragonflybsd.org/dports/dragonfly:6.4:x86:64/LATEST/All , press ctrl + f and search for what you want
>Can I run the Microshit dotnet sdk?
no, but dragonfly ported nvmm (a qemu hypervisor) from netbsd (after making it have better smp support ofcourse) so you can use qemu to emulate windows 10 or xp or whatever to run that stuff
>Can I emulate some of the linux programs?
no, DragonFly got rid of the last bits of linux emulation 7 years ago, wanting to support linux application would also mean emulating all the linux stuff that they depend on (systemd, pulseaudio) which would make maintaining it a living hell, and would make DragonFly just like what you said about FreeBSD: "has good support for programs but looks like a linux clone"
>Can I run krita and libreoffice?
yes, infact it supports the entire KDE plasma desktop
>Can I run wine with dxvk for some mih gaming?
no as it requires 32bit (and DragonFly is 64-bit only), but you probably can still compile the 64bit freebsd version and run 64-bit only games (if you found one, you probably won't), you should use nvmm with qemu to emulate windows instead.
>Is there a developer/current branch kinda like in FreeBSD and OpenBSD
yes there is, infact that is what I am using
>should I use this branch for desktop
well i've had lots of problems with this branch, and unlike OpenBSD and FreeBSD which don't change much between -RELEASE and -CURRENT (the only thing I found different in FreeBSD 14-CURRENT is that they changed the volume mixer, and generally the only reason the run OpenBSD -current is to get more up-to-date packages, but DragonFly already backports all new packages to -REL (-RELEASE)), DragonFly is much slower with their build infrastructure, so dports generally has more up-to-date packages, which means if you want the latest packages you will need to compile it from source (DragonFly has dsynth to do that, or you can use pourdire or whatever)
NetBSD and DragonFly BSD development branches typically have much more major changes (NetBSD -HEAD won't even boot on my hardware for some reason, and they introduced a new filesystem (actually just an upgrade to FFS) in their NetBSD 10-BETA.
sooo, no, don't run -DEV as you won't get any benefits and will just get more headache.
>Any general advice/tips?
check: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/DragonflyBSD
also after you install remember to run:
cp /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/df-latest.conf.sample /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/df-latest.conf
I found some guy on youtube who reinstalled DragonFly three times because he expected everything to work out of the box*, that is not how you do it in BSD land, if you get something broken search for it until you find the answer.
>microkernelfag, not listening to you
DragonFly has a hybird kernel (aka monotholic+microkernel) (it is infact the only BSD to have one)
read: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/mailarchive/kernel/2006-08/msg00037.html

*: https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=Th3drmz-V8Y


BSD is fucking californian, just use goddamn linux like an intelligent human being instead of a nigger


If linux was a single cohesive project i would but it's such a mess


Linux is trans
Windows is trans
BSD is straight and white


Linux is trans
Windows is zogged and trans
BSD is cucked
Linux-Libre is straight and white


Youre the same as linux stop acting like youre smarter retarded parabola nigger


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>Youre the same as linux stop acting like youre smarter retarded parabola nigger
i dont use parabola and im not gnu schizo, i use gemtoo
why do you think linux-libre = parabola? lol
also binary based is jewish


on ALL BSDs you can use binary only
on DragonFly the only way to upgrade is through source code (by running make build-all in /usr)
check this: https://0x19.org/posts/2021-12-14.php


>use binary only
*source only


>need to do this shit manually
>nothing like portage
not using your useless cuck OS
>systemd scope creep
literally just dont use systemd profile dumb fuck
>rust in the kernel
use any kernel version below 6.1, i think thats the kernel version that added rust garbage?
>live free or die
freedom is good for you
>It really is that simple, or at least more simple than gentoo
retard moment
>portmaster supports flavors too. Example: vim and vim-tiny. Another: git, git-lite, and git-tiny.
this sounds like a binary based cuck moment to me, like emacs and emacs-nox in arch troonix
>All the advantages of a source based Linux distribution without all the headache
>all the headache
literally just a low iq retard getting filtered by gemtoo, i dont care and im not using cuckBSD.



Witouth headache doesen't mean everybody that doesent like your overcomplicated shit is retarded, nigger


>literally just a low iq retard getting filtered by gemtoo, i dont care and im not using cuckBSD.
>i am smart because I know how to spend an hour typing commands out of a manual


>>nothing like portage
you know portage is based of FreeBSD ports, right?
>literally just dont use systemd profile dumb fuck
gentoo tells you to use elogind, after disabling the elogind use flag in make.conf they deleted my su(1) utility for some reason
also gentoo doesn't have ed in the base install OR in ports for some reason
>use any kernel version below 6.1
>just use my unmaintned crap
>freedom is good for you
that is what he said tho
>>It really is that simple, or at least more simple than gentoo
>retard moment
>being simple is le bad even tho unix and C were made to make operating systems more simple
>this sounds like a binary based cuck moment to me, like emacs and emacs-nox in arch troonix
well I am on DragonFly and dsynth (DragonFly's fork of synth from FreeBSD) doesn't have that (atleast I think tho as I don't compile from source unless I want to change compile options)


>you know portage is based of FreeBSD ports, right?
yes, and portage is superior
>tells you to use elogind
-elogind, problem solved
>deleted my su utility for some reason
>also gentoo doesn't have ed in the base install OR in ports for some reason
are you actually retarded?
>>being simple is le bad
when did i say this? gentoo is simple
if you think its complicated youre simply retarded


>portage is superior
>gives no reasons
pretty sure that should be in app-editors/ ,who made this thing?
>if you think its complicated youre simply retarded
no one said it is complicated, I just said BSDs are simpler, they use plain text and MakeFiles for their ports instead of the python abstraction known as portage


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>>portage is superior
>>gives no reason
>I just said BSDs are simpler, they use plain text and MakeFiles for their ports instead of the python abstraction known as portage
>we gotta cd and run make install manually or however the bsd is cucked


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ebuilds are literally bash, doesn't get simpler than that


>doesn't get simpler than that
>posix sh doesn't exist

>configuration directives
>are package manager is so simple we need directories to store its configuration

>profile specifc configuration

dsynth -p tnd-profile

also that page is just documantaion about portage, your package manager supporting a NOCOLOR variable isn't your reason for using it, right?
>>we gotta cd and run make install manually or however the bsd is cucked
*you have the choice of running cd and make install manually, if you don't want use dsynth(1), unlike gentoo which WILL force you to use the emerge and WILL make you python
>gentoo sisters have to have both python and bash installed
how more cucked can you get? if you want to use a source only system use kisslinux or slackware, a package which is documnted in the manual to be: "It's too big and too slow."* shouldn't be in the base system.

*: man 1 bash


>posix sh
sorry but no usecase found in crippling myself with outdated version of bash


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oh ya and let me just use kisslinux, I transheart wayland and not having a package manager


>also that page is just documantaion about portage
yeah, and it tells you the features retard
>>gentoo sisters have to have both python and bash installed
>bash… le bad
>how more cucked can you get?
bsd user is actually asking me this holy shit, sides destroyed


Tsmt i like kisslinix because the psackages are literally posix scripts


so just like gemtoo ebuilds then


Gentoo is shit cry


holy fail
gemtoo won bsd cuck


>apparently typo means lose
You are acutally retarded


holy fail
gemtoo won bsd cuck


yeah it does
cry more bsd cuck
portage will always be better than cuck bsd ports
apple will always cuck you every single day, every month, and every year, forever


Keep seething troon


holy fail
gemtoo won bsd cuck


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>Keep seething troon while i go compile all my software manually by running make && make install in 100 different directories… something like that yeah


Seethe harder


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>seethe harder while i use freebsd in a vm on my macbook or something


>Still crying




>even tho there are more gentoo trannies than bsd one
Acutally retarded, grow up kid


>>even tho there are more gentoo trannies than bsd one
even doe i linked more posts than you so that means more bsd trannies
>Acutally retarded, grow up kid
why do you keep misspelling such easy words
are you a shitskin or something?
makes sense why you think gentoo is bad


>even tho i linked more
Yup issa retard, a simple search on reddit isnt enough
>whoever doesen't talk my language is a shitskin or something
How old are you acutally im really interested, the parabola troon is 15 so in really starting to see a pattern here


>a simple search on reddit isnt enough
even doe it is
>>whoever doesen't talk my language is a shitskin or something
esl, its "actually", thats like the 3rd time now


>>>whoever doesen't talk my language is a shitskin or something
Yea you are a retarded kid thats all, keep seething and defending your gentoo on the intewebs like its your full time jobs


yea also talking about mental outlaw i forgot to say your biggest shiller is literally a negro lol


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>muh mental blacklaw
he doesnt even actually use gentoo, he just uses it in a vm and echos from the wiki in his videos about it
>keep seething while i shill freebsd on a macbook or something


When does he said he used a VM geg, you admitted you even watch xis video geeeeg.
I dont even use bsd i dont get why you keep calling me a cuck


if you watch for 2 seconds you will see in his redditfetch that its clearly a vm
>I dont even use bsd
>inb4 arch troonix user or wintoddler


I use alpine if it acutally matters to you

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqrqbk93v5Y (troon im doxxing)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CopPj3S3YQ0 (possible next troon dox)
Gentoo sisters this is your mindset


Why not use a white man's OS, like plan9?


Forgot to say akso arch is wrhe worst linux at least on that we can agree


Nigger typing at 2 am also drunk


now i understand the retardation


Because plan9 is developed (nowdays) by troons (see 9front) and is so shitty it cant even support a proper C standard


Says the one that spends 10 hours overnight to drain mommy's pocket for 0.0000001% less memory usage


even doe i compile while sleeping
also my mother didnt buy my X200, i did
and it was also cheap as fuck so why would i need my mother to buy it?


Also you didnt told me your opinions about your averrage gentoo sister


Can you understand what im telling you, i literally said you let your pc eating electricity every night because of your compilation while your mom pays the bills for you retard


>Wolfgang's Channel
arch and fagos tranny who installed gentoo once and never used it again
retarded proprietard tranny who larps about being a freetard, despite using steam and other nonfree garbage
>Can you understand what im telling you
i can not understand shitskins sorry


Aparently eurogod = shitskin
Apart of evading the question can you acutally respond
Isnt you dear mommy paying for your useless bills because of your obernight useless compilation


Also hnhx doesent mean nothing is a larper xim still uses gentoo as xis main distro


>the parabola troon is 15
even doe she is 12


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>sorry but no usecase found in crippling myself with outdated version of bash
do you also you vim/neovim and neomutt because "they are newer" and "I am not going to cripple myself with old software"?
>oh ya and let me just use kisslinux, I transheart wayland and not having a package manager
you can use the kiss-xorg repo, or you can create your own repo (this is what kisslinux was designed for)
tried to install 9legacy from a USB but it doesn't boot, going to get a CD and retry soon, until then it will stay in my VM


Dennis knows that UNIX sucks that's why he runs Windows.


Reported for avatarfagging


who pays the electricity and internet bill?
you are literally Hungarian, not even White.


you expected that guy to be the GNU schizo, but the GNU schizo hates BSD, take your meds.



He also knows that UNIX is proprietary just like his favorite build of Windows, that's why he shills it to BSDcucks who fall for it everytime.


>BSD is propetary
>even doe the source is in /usr/src
I always wonder what GNU users do with their source code, do you modify it? do you even have the source code on your computer?
Richard Stallman fought for 40 years for source code to be accisable to the avrange joe, but none of the linux system I know of (except kisslinux which has somewhere in ~/.cache/kiss, and slackware which installs source for the kernel (only)) has it.


BSD will never be UNIX no mater how much you cope tranny.


BSD is literally UNIX. It's not "UNIX-like" it's UNIX.


UNIX is proprietary.


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UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. BSD is based on Research UNIX which is UNIX.


Why do you care if the source is physically on your computer? its just wasted space unless you actually want to build it, in that case you just download the source as a package / tarball.


bootleg copy of proprietary UNIX is called BSD and not UNIX because it's not UNIX


having source code directly on your drive just taking up space if you dont even need to recompile shit is nonsense, its as easy as git cloning some repos to get your source code
GNU is actually meant to be compiled from source, unlike BSD
sane distros give you stuff like PKGBUILDs and ebuilds to compile your shit, the source code is usually just downloaded by them
if you had all the source code for your whole system (the whole repo and everything the PKGBUILDs download) on your drive it would be a TB big, at least.
so if you want your sauce code, and want to lets say, compile your own kernel:
git clone –recursive git://git.parabola.nu/abslibre.git
cd abslibre/libre/linux-libre
now edit some shit around, make nconfig in the kernel dir, copy it to ../.config, updpkgsums, and
makepkg -sir


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>GNU is actually meant to be compiled from source, unlike BSD
and that is why they have auto*hell unlike BSD which is portable without any of that shit?
also BSD source is meant to be read, unlike GNU.
>sane distros give you stuff like PKGBUILDs and ebuilds to compile your shit, the source code is usually just downloaded by them
holy shit GNUtards use source as a service, and you call yourselfs "free".
>if you had all the source code for your whole system (the whole repo and everything the PKGBUILDs download) on your drive it would be a TB big, at least.
meds, my kisslinux install had only 10GB of source code, I can't imagine how bloated your system is.
>so if you want your sauce code, and want to lets say, compile your own kernel:
>git clone –recursive git://git.parabola.nu/abslibre.git
>cd abslibre/libre/linux-libre
>now edit some shit around, make nconfig in the kernel dir, copy it to ../.config, updpkgsums, and
>makepkg -sir
>oh yes just run all of this for ONE package
>and repeat for the next and the next and the next and the …
Do you even modify your software?


>automake… LE BAD!
>you need to write your own scripts to recompile everything because bsdcucks dont share theirs
>running make and make install is good or something like that
i read GNUs entire source code, not my problem if youre too retarded for it, GNU sacrifices nice looking code for performance and features.
>durr source as a service
i can download tarballs or snapshot all the source code, but its constantly changing so youre supposed to git pull it from time to time
if it ever goes down, mirrors exist too, in case you dont have your own mirror or copy
>"only" 10 gigs of source
KEEEEEEEEK do BSD cucks really waste 10 gigs of storage?
i have a 120 gig hard drive, 10 gigs are a lot of space.
>do you even modify your software
my kernel, yes
i kick out everything i dont need to make it faster and smaller in size, i also kick out all modules, and build everything i need into my kernel directly
i also patch shit like mpv to get rid of the kikewire-libs dependency because im not going to install this gayland toddler garbage on my system just to use mpv


>automake… LE BAD!
Many are saying this. You don't hate automake?
>i read GNUs entire source code
This is impossible. GCC alone has 14 million lines of code.


>i read GNUs entire source code
Holy fucking larp, gnu is tens of millions of LOC.


>i have a 120 gig hard drive, 10 gigs are a lot of space.
I have a 120 SSD too, but source code IS the most important thing you can have, what else are you wasting your space on?
>my kernel, yes
the kernel doesn't count, every non-stupid person modfies his kernel
>because im not going to install this gayland toddler garbage on my system just to use mpv
passing –disable-wayland to meson doesn't count you stupid nigger
I am talking about modifying source code, not changing build options


I seriously doubt you even know how to unleash the real power of the CPU or pack a struct.


What do you think –disable-wayland does?


disables wayland
>but I was talking about muh pipewire
–disable-pipewire, changing a word doesn't matter, it is still an option


(a) gnuschizo thinks passing parameters to a ./configure script is epic hacking modifying code
(b) gnuschizo doesn't know how to use a ./configure script and manually deletes hundreds of lines of source code that are #if gated anyways.


the coreutils i mean, that does NOT include shit like emacs jami gimp gdb etc…


soyjaks, and i dont have to download the source for all the shit i never use, only for the shit i use and actually need to compile from scratch
(so not gimp, not iceweasel, not emacs, etc…)
coreutils, im not a psychopath who would read through gimp or gcc kek
i just wanted to know how the simple and well performing tools on my system i use every day work, gcc is black magic for me
neither of those, i dont modify what i dont have to modify
i had to modify mpv and some other shit i forgot about to get rid of gayland dependencies, because hecking binaries dont work without them
there was no configure script that let me do this, gentoo has flags for that but i use a meme distro without fancy stuff.


No you haven't. Coreutils is 234,829 lines of code. GIMP is only around 230,000 lines of C.
>I read GNUs entire source code
What did she mean by entire?
>not my problem if youre too retarded for it
>gcc is black magic for me
So you are too retarded to do what you said you did? Caught in a lie, better backtrack


thats for the entire coreutils, vs a single program
>hurr durr
im not too retarded to figure out gcc, but i dont have time to learn what all this C++ bullshit means, i dont need it anyway


>can't understand C++
skill issue


skill issue lil bro fr


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>bro frfr ong skill issue


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>>bro frfr ong skill issue

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