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Will it ever be replaced? by what?


x86 chad vs soy POWERPC/ARM


Already has been. ARM.GODS rule the present and the future


I kneel


ARM will never be a real architecture, RISC shill


sorry but i like my freedom computing without ""TrustZone"" backdoors or proprietary bootloaders


Nearly every computer uses ARM except desktops and some servers


desktops and x86 servers are the only computers that really matter
stop peddling niggerware, you know how that went with Apple and POWERPC, or Sun and SPARC, they eventually had to cuck themselves to the x86 LORD


or DEC and VAX/Alpha, or motorola and the 68k, or itanic, or MIPS, or PA-RISC, soon to be true with ARM and RISC-V too


Cope, the ANWO is coming


>no expansion slots
kys climatefag, you know who peddles armshit? the climate change faggots and troons for “muh low energy”
I release 5 tons of carbon a day by leaving my X86 GIGACHAD PC on 24/7, cope and seethe gayland user


>muh IME
all my hardware is way too old for that, not my problem
before ARM got serious backdoors it was shitting it pants and was unusable compared to x86, its for calculators and cellphones, not something to get work done
besides, its not unified at all, every board is different, you dont have expansion slots, its utter garbage, soldered throwaway trash, etc…


the average end user never thinks about expansion slots


>hurr durr the average end user consooomer will never want to install a gpu, soundcard, network card, a SAS controller card, or anything like that
>the average consoomer will use integrated soldered GPUs and integrated onboard chinkshit sound


the average end user is a nigger
build systems for the freedom loving x86 aryan enthusiast again, jew


Mad, goyim?


i’m gonna rape and kill you apple employee


riscfags suck


By future vliw architectures. Google “mill cpu” for more info :00

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