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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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if you use any BSD but DragonFly then you get what is coming for you.


i use openbsd because i am autistic and refuse to switch from relayd.


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>flood detected, post discarded


DragonflyBSD seems promising from what I've heard. I'll try it in a virtual machine.


minixGODS don't need pesky device drivers or any support outside a microcontroller


are you retarded? All versions of the AMD Athlon 64 processors and their clones are supported. Intel EM64T is a clone of AMD64 so it is supported. Same ISAs.


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I was talking about how openbsd users are retarded


Outdated proto-linux with a cuck license what's the appeal


not reading all that


if you use any UNIX other than Linux you're using a toy OS


OS X? AIX? Solaris? Linux is not UNIX*

*UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.


i didn't stutter
anything other than Linux is a meme
for all practical intents and purposes, Linux and UNIX are synonyms in the 21st century
nobody cares about your boomer shit or lolBSD


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Even tho macOS is 8x more popular than the Linux desktop.


90% of the machines in the world run Linux


Servers, Android Phones and chinkshit are not Personal Computers.


wordswordswords I'm a tranny


word I'm a man



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