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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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This is all you need


Facts. ChromeOS is the best Linux distribution, miles ahead of the others whether you like it or not


>no terminal
>no package manager
>no GNU coreutils
>all it does is open a web browser
wow you managed to make something even more useless than windows, nice try frogposter!


>nice try frogposter
Take your meds NOW
Also chromeOS is just a specialized Gentoo distro and you can enable TTY switching after you turn on dev mode
ChromeOS is, ChromiumOS isn't, however it's probably nonfree because there's probably blobs and whatnot. it's meant to work on weird ARM hardware, afterall

But why would you ever use it its basically just gentoo without emerge and a toddler-friendly DE at the end of the day


it just works though


are this retards unironically responding to this bait?


>ackchyualley its not proprietary but still nonfree
nonfree = proprietary, if it contains a single piece of proprietary software the whole thing is proprietary, its like saying winglows is free because the calculator ""app"" is open soros
or android being free because the base OS is cuck licensed and "open sores" full of blobs
yeah, enjoy your "locked bootloader" and "encrypted firmware", "open sores" tranny.
i use every chance i get to make frogposters look like retards




>even more useless than windows
the irony

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