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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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File: 1690835037576.png (14.62 KB, 255x204, 1690383860862.png)ImgOps


We should make a sharty distro with a soyjak as the neofetch thing


AmogOS moment


File: 1690849245448.png (17.04 KB, 616x344, 2023-07-31-202018_616x344_….png)ImgOps

you can just use the –source option in neofetch


>uses xfce
>themes it to look like motif


Can't be assed to compile CDE on slackware 15


just use mwm it comes preinstalled (and is what I use)


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>can't be assed


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also have you heard of nscde?


motif GET


Nope im compiling it now


I'm a mutt but how is this expression an american thing


This look like shit im sure you can do somethong better



File: 1690887663562.png (37.2 KB, 612x272, 2023-08-01-045147_612x272_….png)ImgOps

gentoo won


>gentoo tard can't even post in the right thread


download niggerfetch


gemDOS already exists

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