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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

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is ungoogled chromium le bad


it's fine. nothing wrong with it


no it's peak comfyness. no datamining + will actually work well unlike trannyfox. the best of both worlds.


its just weird that 1 guy handled the whole chromium codebase


its chromium, which has a ~4GiB codebase, and thus its bad
its impossible to audit it and remove all the spooky shit, unjewgled chromium literally just uses hacks to kick out telemetry links and block known jewgle telemetry servers
he didnt, all he did was hack around and apply a few sed commands to make patch files, he did NOT audit it and did NOT check if everything is actually gone.


do you know a better one then. and say heckin text based ones


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shut the fuck up nigger


thanking god for not making me this big of a faggot


you don't use elinks retard

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